List of Famous people with last name Paak

Anderson .Paak

Brandon Paak Anderson
First Name Anderson
Last Name .Paak
Born on February 8, 1986 (age 38)

Brandon Paak Anderson, known professionally as Anderson .Paak, is an Afro-American and Korean rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer and multi-instrumentalist from Oxnard, California. He released his debut mixtape, O.B.E. Vol. 1 in 2012 and went on to release Venice in 2014. He later followed up with Malibu, in 2016, which received a nomination for Best Urban Contemporary Album at the Grammy Awards, followed by Oxnard, in 2018 and Ventura, in 2019. At the 61st Grammy Awards, Paak won his first Grammy award for Best Rap Performance with the song "Bubblin". He again won a Grammy Award in 2020 for "Best R&B Album" with Ventura and one for Best R&B Performance for "Come Home".

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