List of Famous people with last name Overeem

Alistair Overeem

Alistair Cees Overeem
First Name Alistair
Born on May 17, 1980 (age 44)
Height 190 cm | 6'3

Alistair Cees Overeem is a Dutch mixed martial artist and former kickboxer. He is a former Strikeforce Heavyweight Champion, DREAM Heavyweight Champion, K-1 World Grand Prix Champion, and one of only two fighters to hold world titles in both MMA and K-1 kickboxing at the same time. He holds dual victories over Fabrício Werdum, Mark Hunt and Vitor Belfort, and has also beaten former UFC champions Andrei Arlovski, Junior dos Santos, Frank Mir and Brock Lesnar. As of 28 October 2020, he is #5 in the UFC heavyweight rankings.

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Valentijn Overeem

First Name Valentijn
Last Name Overeem
Born on August 17, 1976 (age 48)
Height 191 cm | 6'3

Valentijn Overeem is a retired Dutch professional mixed martial artist and kickboxer currently signed with United Glory. A professional competitor since 1996, he has previously fought for the PRIDE Fighting Championships, RINGS, KSW, the World Fighting Alliance, K-1, M-1 Global, Its Showtime, World Victory Road, and Strikeforce. He is the older brother of fellow MMA Superstar Alistair Overeem.

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