List of Famous people with last name Nobufusa

Takatsukasa Nobufusa

First Name Takatsukasa
Last Name Nobufusa
Born on November 17, 1565
Died on January 18, 1658 (aged 92)

Takatsukasa Nobufusa was a court noble (kuge) of the early Edo period. Born to Nijō Haruyoshi and adopted by Takatsukasa Tadafuyu, he revived the lineage of the Takatsukasa family. In 1606 he was appointed Kampaku, a regent position which he left two years later. In 1658 he died at age 92. With a daughter of the daimyō Sassa Narimasa, Teruko, he had a son, Nobuhisa, and a daughter, Takako, who married Tokugawa Iemitsu in 1623.

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