List of Famous people with last name Narayanan

Nambi Narayanan

First Name Nambi
Born on December 12, 1941 (age 82)
Born in India

S. Nambi Narayanan is an Indian scientist and aerospace engineer and Padma Bhushan award winner. As a senior official at the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), he was in-charge of the cryogenics division. In 1994, he was falsely charged with espionage and arrested. The charges against him were dismissed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in April 1996, and the Supreme Court of India declared him not guilty in 1998.

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Biju Narayanan

First Name Biju
Last Name Narayanan
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Lakshmi Narayanan

First Name Lakshmi
Last Name Narayanan
Born on January 1, 1953 (age 71)

Lakshmi Narayanan is the ex-vice chairman and ex-CEO of Cognizant and Chairman of ICT Academy. He was the CEO and president of Cognizant until 2006.

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