List of Famous people with last name Nagako

Nabeshima Nagako

First Name Nabeshima
Last Name Nagako
Born on July 1, 1855
Died on January 3, 1941 (aged 85)
Born in Japan

Nabeshima Nagako (鍋島栄子) (1855–1941) was a feature of Japanese high society from the Meiji period to the early Shōwa era. Daughter of kuge Hirohashi Taneyasu, in April 1881 she married Nabeshima Naohiro, eleventh and final daimyō of the Saga Domain, in Italy, where he was performing official duties. Nagako served as secretary and chair of the Volunteer Nurses Association (篤志看護婦人会) of the Japanese Red Cross Society from 1887 to 1936 as well as president of the Oriental Women's Association (東洋婦人会).

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