List of Famous people with last name Monteverde

Juan Domingo de Monteverde

First Name Juan
Last Name Monteverde
Born on April 2, 1773
Died on September 15, 1832 (aged 59)

Juan Domingo de Monteverde y Rivas, commonly known as Domingo de Monteverde, was a Spanish soldier, governor and Captain General of Venezuela from June 1812 to 8 August 1813. Monteverde was the leader of Spanish forces in the Venezuelan War of Independence from 1812 to 1813. Monteverde led the military campaign that culminated in the fall of the First Republic of Venezuela in 1812. One year later in 1813, Monteverde was defeated by Simón Bolívar during the Admirable Campaign.

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Alejandro Gomez Monteverde

First Name Alejandro
Last Name Monteverde
Born on July 13, 1977 (age 47)

José Alejandro Gómez Monteverde is a Mexican film director. His first film, Bella took top prize at the 2006 Toronto International Film Festival by winning the “People's Choice Award”.

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Alfredo Monteverde

First Name Alfredo
Born on June 12, 1924
Died on August 25, 1969 (aged 45)
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Lily Monteverde

First Name Lily
Last Name Monteverde
Born on January 1, 1928 (age 96)

Lily Yu Monteverde, nicknamed Mother Lily, is a Filipina film producer and businesswoman.

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Alejandra Monteverde

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Bruno Monteverde

First Name Bruno
Last Name Monteverde
Born on October 5, 1991 (age 32)
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