List of Famous people with last name Montalt

Cornwallis Maude, 1st Earl de Montalt

First Name Cornwallis
Last Name Montalt
Born on April 4, 1817
Died on January 9, 1905 (aged 87)

Cornwallis Maude, 1st Earl de Montalt, styled The Honourable Cornwallis Maude until 1856 and known as The Viscount Hawarden from 1856 to 1886, was a British Conservative politician.

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Thomas Maude, 1st Baron de Montalt

First Name Thomas
Last Name Montalt
Born on November 30, 1726
Died on May 17, 1777 (aged 50)

Thomas Maude, 1st Baron de Montalt was an Anglo-Irish politician.

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Don't know him/her
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