List of Famous people with last name Mises

Ludwig von Mises

First Name Ludwig
Last Name Mises
Born on September 29, 1881
Died on October 10, 1973 (aged 92)
Born in Ukraine, Lviv Oblast

Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises was an Austrian School economist, historian, logician and sociologist. Mises wrote and lectured extensively on the societal contributions of classical liberalism. He is best known for his work on praxeology, a study of human choice and action.

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Richard von Mises

First Name Richard
Last Name Mises
Born on April 19, 1883
Died on July 14, 1953 (aged 70)
Born in Ukraine, Lviv Oblast

Richard Edler von Mises was an Austrian Jewish scientist and mathematician who worked on solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, aeronautics, statistics and probability theory. He held the position of Gordon McKay Professor of Aerodynamics and Applied Mathematics at Harvard University. He described his work in his own words shortly before his death as being on

"... practical analysis, integral and differential equations, mechanics, hydrodynamics and aerodynamics, constructive geometry, probability calculus, statistics and philosophy."
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