List of Famous people with last name Matas

Gidi Matas

First Name Gidi
Last Name Matas
Born on April 27, 2013 (age 11)
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Josey Matas

First Name Josey
Born on October 16, 2010 (age 14)
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Niccolò Matas

First Name Niccolò
Born on January 1, 1798
Died on January 1, 1872 (aged 74)
Born in Italy, Marche

Niccolò "Nicola" Matas was an Italian architect and professor. He is best known for being the architect of the 19th century Gothic Revival façade of the Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence, Italy. Matas was a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Florence. He is one of the important architects in the history of the city of Florence.

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