List of Famous people with last name Maconchy

Helen Maconchy

First Name Helen
Last Name Maconchy
Died on January 4, 1900
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Elizabeth Maconchy

First Name Elizabeth
Last Name Maconchy
Died on February 24, 1902
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Elizabeth Maconchy

First Name Elizabeth
Last Name Maconchy
Born on March 19, 1907
Died on November 11, 1994 (aged 87)

Dame Elizabeth Violet Maconchy LeFanu was an Irish-English composer.

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John Maconchy

First Name John
Last Name Maconchy
Born on May 30, 1793
Died on December 10, 1843 (aged 50)
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Sophia Maconchy

First Name Sophia
Last Name Maconchy
Died on November 14, 1936
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Don't know him/her

Helen Mary Maconchy

First Name Helen
Last Name Maconchy
Died on February 28, 1930
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Don't know him/her

George Maconchy

First Name George
Last Name Maconchy
Born on July 2, 1818
Died on October 30, 1889 (aged 71)
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Harriette Caroline Adeline Maconchy

First Name Harriette
Died on March 14, 1937
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Don't know him/her

Barbara Maconchy

First Name Barbara
Last Name Maconchy
Died on September 15, 1866
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Don't know him/her

Barbara Maconchy

First Name Barbara
Last Name Maconchy
Died on September 28, 1887
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Don't know him/her
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