List of Famous people with last name Macmahon

Una MacMahon

First Name Una
Last Name MacMahon
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Catherine Emily MacMahon

First Name Catherine
Last Name MacMahon
Died on June 11, 1880
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Beanmidhe MacMahon

First Name Beanmidhe
Died on November 30, 1385
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Catherine MacMahon

First Name Catherine
Last Name MacMahon
Died on November 30, 1426
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Percy Alexander MacMahon

First Name Percy
Last Name MacMahon
Born on September 26, 1854
Died on December 25, 1929 (aged 75)
Born in Malta

Percy Alexander MacMahon was a mathematician, especially noted in connection with the partitions of numbers and enumerative combinatorics.

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Aline MacMahon

First Name Aline
Born on May 3, 1899
Died on October 12, 1991 (aged 92)

Aline Laveen MacMahon was an American actress. Her career began on stage in 1921. She worked extensively in film and television until her retirement in 1975. She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in Dragon Seed (1944).

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Charles MacMahon

First Name Charles
Last Name MacMahon
Born on July 10, 1824
Died on August 28, 1891 (aged 67)

Captain Sir Charles MacMahon was an Australian politician who twice served as Speaker of the Victorian Legislative Assembly and as Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police. MacMahon was born County Tyrone, Ireland, to a wealthy Irish family and served in the British army. He obtained a veterinary diploma in 1852, and soon left for Australia to join the gold rush. He arrived in Melbourne on 18 November 1852.

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Moyra MacMahon

First Name Moyra
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Turlough Roe MacMahon

First Name Turlough
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Don't know him/her

unknown MacMahon

First Name Unknown
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Don't know him/her
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