List of Famous people with last name Lourd

Billie Lourd

First Name Billie
Last Name Lourd
Born on July 17, 1992 (age 32)
Height 155 cm | 5'1

Billie Catherine Lourd is an American actress. She is known for starring as Chanel #3 in the Fox horror comedy series Scream Queens (2015–2016) and for her roles in the FX horror anthology series American Horror Story (2017–present). She also appears as Lieutenant Connix in the Star Wars sequel trilogy (2015–2019). Lourd is the only child of actress Carrie Fisher.

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Bryan Lourd

Bryan William Lourd
First Name Bryan
Last Name Lourd
Born on November 5, 1960 (age 63)

Bryan William Lourd is an American talent agent. He has been partner, managing director and co-chairman of Creative Artists Agency (CAA) since October 1995.

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