List of Famous people with last name Loomer

Laura Loomer

First Name Laura
Last Name Loomer
Born on May 21, 1993 (age 31)

Laura Elizabeth Loomer is an American far-right and anti-Muslim political activist, conspiracy theorist, and internet personality. She was the Republican nominee to represent Florida's 21st congressional district in the 2020 United States House of Representatives elections, losing to Democrat Lois Frankel. Loomer's candidacy was considered a long shot.

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Lisa Loomer

First Name Lisa
Last Name Loomer
Born on January 1, 1950 (age 74)

Lisa Loomer is an American playwright and screenwriter who has also worked as an actress and stand-up comic. She is best known for her play The Waiting Room (1994), in which three women from different time periods meet in a modern doctor's waiting room, each suffering from the effects of their various societies' cosmetic body modification practices. She also co-wrote the screenplay for the film Girl Interrupted. Many of her plays deal with the experiences of Latinx and immigrant characters. Others deal with social and political issues through the lens of contemporary family life. Beyond that, Loomer's play The Waiting Room discusses issues such as body image, breast cancer, and non-Western medicine.

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