List of Famous people with last name Lanz

Markus Lanz

First Name Markus
Last Name Lanz
Born on March 16, 1969 (age 55)

Markus Lanz is a German-Italian television presenter and producer.

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Cornelia Lanz

First Name Cornelia
Last Name Lanz
Born on January 1, 1981 (age 44)
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Karin Lanz

First Name Karin
Last Name Lanz
Born on March 16, 1977 (age 47)
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David Lanz

First Name David
Last Name Lanz
Born on June 28, 1950 (age 74)

David Howard Lanz is a Grammy-nominated pianist. His album Cristofori's Dream topped the New age music charts in 1988.

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