List of Famous people with last name Lanvin

Gérard Lanvin

First Name Gérard
Last Name Lanvin
Born on June 21, 1950 (age 74)

Gérard Lanvin is a César Award-winning French actor. He quit his studies when he was 17 to become an actor. He took on a role in Vous n'aurez pas l'Alsace et la Lorraine in 1977 on an offer from actor Coluche. He received the Prix Jean Gabin in 1982 for his role in Une étrange affaire. In 1995 he won a César Award for Best Actor with Le Fils préféré. Other appearances include Une semaine de vacances and 3 zéros. During the 2000s, he returned to the big screen with popular comedies. In 2001, he received the César Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role with The Taste of Others . He is married to Chantal Benoist, an actress, model and singer who released disco albums in 70s/80s under the name "Jennifer".

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Manu Lanvin

First Name Manu
Last Name Lanvin
Born on January 1, 1974 (age 51)

Manu Lanvin is a French blues rock singer-songwriter, guitarist and producer. He's the son of French actor Gérard Lanvin.

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