List of Famous people with last name Lachey

Nick Lachey

First Name Nick
Last Name Lachey
Born on November 9, 1973 (age 51)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Nicholas Scott Lachey is an American actor, singer, and television personality and host. He rose to fame as the lead singer of the multi-platinum-selling boyband 98 Degrees, and later starred in the reality series Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica with his then-wife, Jessica Simpson. He has released four solo albums: SoulO, What's Left of Me, A Father's Lullaby, and Soundtrack of My Life. He also had a recurring role on the television series Charmed. He hosted NBC's The Sing-Off, co-hosted VH1's Big Morning Buzz Live from 2014 to 2015, and now hosts Nickelodeon's America's Most Musical Family, and co-hosts the Netflix show Love is Blind with his wife Vanessa Lachey.

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Drew Lachey

First Name Drew
Last Name Lachey
Born on August 8, 1976 (age 48)
Height 166 cm | 5'5

Andrew John Lachey is an American singer and actor. He is known as a member of 98 Degrees, the winner of the second season of Dancing with the Stars, and the younger brother of Nick Lachey.

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