List of Famous people with last name Kinloss

Mary Morgan-Grenville, 11th Lady Kinloss

First Name Mary
Last Name Kinloss
Born on September 30, 1852
Died on October 17, 1944 (aged 92)

Mary Elizabeth Morgan-Grenville, 11th Lady Kinloss was a British peeress.

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Edward Bruce, 1st Lord Kinloss

First Name Edward
Last Name Kinloss
Born on November 30, 1547
Died on January 14, 1611 (aged 63)

Edward Bruce, 1st Lord Kinloss PC was a Scottish lawyer and judge.

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Mary Freeman-Grenville, 12th Lady Kinloss

First Name Mary
Last Name Kinloss
Born on August 18, 1922
Died on September 30, 2012 (aged 90)

Beatrice Mary Grenville Freeman-Grenville, 12th Lady Kinloss was a British peer.

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Luis Chandos Francis Temple Morgan-Grenville, Master of Kinloss

First Name Luis
Last Name Kinloss
Born on October 10, 1889
Died on August 2, 1944 (aged 54)
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Richard George Grenville Morgan-Grenville, Master of Kinloss

First Name Richard
Last Name Kinloss
Born on September 25, 1887
Died on December 20, 1914 (aged 27)
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