List of Famous people with last name Kaushal

Vicky Kaushal

First Name Vicky
Last Name Kaushal
Born on May 16, 1988 (age 36)
Born in India

Vicky Kaushal is an Indian actor who works in Hindi films. He is the recipient of a National Film Award and a Filmfare Award, and has appeared in Forbes India's Celebrity 100 list of 2019.

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Sunny Kaushal

First Name Sunny
Last Name Kaushal
Born on January 1, 1989 (age 35)
Born in India

Sunny Kaushal is an Indian actor who works in Hindi films. He is the younger brother of actor Vicky Kaushal and son of action director Sham Kaushal.

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Swaraj Kaushal

First Name Swaraj
Last Name Kaushal
Born on July 12, 1952 (age 72)
Born in India

Swaraj Kaushal is an Indian criminal lawyer practicing in New Delhi. He was designated as a senior advocate by the Supreme Court of India at age 34, and he became the Governor of Mizoram at the age of 37, serving between 1990 and 1993.

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