List of Famous people with last name Karman

Tawakkol Karman

Born on February 7, 1979 (age 45)

Tawakkol Abdel-Salam Khalid Karman is a Yemeni Nobel Laureate, journalist, politician, and human rights activist. She leads the group "Women Journalists Without Chains," which she co-founded in 2005. She became the international public face of the 2011 Yemeni uprising that is part of the Arab Spring uprisings. In 2011, she was reportedly called the "Iron Woman" and "Mother of the Revolution" by some Yemenis. She is a co-recipient of the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize, becoming the first Yemeni, the first Arab woman, and the second Muslim woman to win a Nobel Prize.

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Janice Karman

First Name Janice
Born on May 21, 1954 (age 70)

Janice Felice Karman is an American actress, voice actress, singer, film producer and record producer. She is the co-owner of Bagdasarian Productions with her husband Ross Bagdasarian Jr.

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