List of Famous people with last name Juju

Mojo Juju

First Name Mojo
Born on January 1, 1983 (age 41)
Born in Australia

Mojo Ruiz de Luzuriaga, known professionally as Mo'Ju and previously as Mojo Juju, is an ARIA Award-nominated Australian musician, best known for their 2018 album Native Tongue and the lead single of the same title. The single won the Best Independent Single category in the 2019 AIR Awards. They play guitar and piano, write songs and sing, and have created music in a number of genres.

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Nico Liersch juju

First Name Nico
Born on July 17, 2000 (age 24)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Nico Liersch is a German actor. He is mostly known for his role as Rudy Steiner in the 2013 film The Book Thief. He is also known for his work in the German television series Das ist Gut where he played Phillip Greenyard, a caveman without parents.

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