List of Famous people with last name Johanson

Donald Johanson

First Name Donald
Last Name Johanson
Born on June 28, 1943 (age 81)

Donald Carl Johanson is an American paleoanthropologist. He is known for discovering – with Yves Coppens and Maurice Taieb – the fossil of a female hominin australopithecine known as "Lucy" in the Afar Triangle region of Hadar, Ethiopia.

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Jay-Jay Johanson

First Name Jay-Jay
Born on October 11, 1969 (age 54)

Jäje Johansson, better known by his stage name Jay-Jay Johanson, is a Swedish singer-songwriter, known for his melancholic vocals. His music has integrated the trip hop genre until he switched his sound to a more electroclash-oriented direction with his 2002 album Antenna, which featured "On the Radio". After this album, he came back to his characteristic sound after he released The Long Term Physical Effects Are Not Yet Known in 2007.

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