List of Famous people with last name Jeongsun

Queen Jeongsun

First Name Queen
Last Name Jeongsun
Died on January 12, 1805

Queen Jeongsun or Queen Jung-Soon, of the Gyeongju Kim clan, was a posthumous name bestowed to the wife and second queen consort of Yi Geum, King Yeongjo, the 21st Joseon monarch. She was Queen consort of Joseon from 1759 until her husband's death in 1776, after which she was honoured as Queen Dowager Yesun (예순왕대비) during the reign of her step-grandson Yi San, King Jeongjo and as Grand Queen Dowager Yesun (예순대왕대비) during the reign of her step great-grandson Yi Gong, King Sunjo.

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Queen Jeongsun

First Name Queen
Last Name Jeongsun
Born on November 30, 1439
Died on November 30, 1520 (aged 81)

Queen Jeongsun, of the Yeosan Song clan, was a posthumous name bestowed to the wife and queen consort of Yi Hong-wi, King Danjong, the 6th Joseon monarch. She was Queen consort of Joseon from 1454 until her husband's abdication in 1455, after which she was honoured as Queen Dowager Uideok (의덕왕대비) until her deposition in 1457.

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