List of Famous people with last name Hjulstrom

Lennart Hjulström

First Name Lennart
Last Name Hjulström
Born on July 18, 1938
Died on July 3, 2022 (aged 83)

Lennart Hjalmar Hjulström is a Swedish actor and director. He is married to Gunilla Nyroos, father of Niklas and Carin Hjulström. His father is Filip Hjulström.

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Niklas Hjulström

First Name Niklas
Last Name Hjulström
Born on February 15, 1962 (age 63)

Niklas Hjulström is a Swedish actor, singer and director. He is brother to Carin Hjulström, grandson to Filip Hjulström and son to Lennart Hjulström.

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