List of Famous people with last name Heupel

Josh Heupel

Joshua Kenneth Heupel is an American football coach and former player. He is the head football coach at the University of Tennessee. He was named the head coach of the Volunteers in January 2021 after former Tennessee coach Jeremy Pruitt was fired. He was named to the UCF job in December 2017, following the resignation of Scott Frost, who left for the head coaching job at Nebraska. Heupel played college football as quarterback for the Oklahoma Sooners. During his college playing career, he was recognized as a consensus All-American, won numerous awards, and led Oklahoma to the 2000 BCS National Championship. After two years unsuccessfully trying to make an NFL roster, Heupel became a coach. He served as co-offensive coordinator for Oklahoma until January 6, 2015, when he was fired. He was named the assistant head coach, offensive coordinator, and quarterbacks coach for the Utah State University (USU) Aggies on January 23, 2015. After one season at USU, he was hired on Barry Odom's staff at the University of Missouri, where he was the offensive coordinator before being hired for his first head coaching position at UCF. He was named the head coach of the University of Tennessee Volunteers football team on January 27, 2021.

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