List of Famous people with last name Hester

Carl Hester

First Name Carl
Last Name Hester
Born on June 29, 1967 (age 57)

Carl Hester, is a British dressage rider competing at Olympic level. As of 8 August 2012 the Fédération Équestre Internationale (FEI) rank him 12th in the world riding Uthopia.

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Devin Hester

Devin Devorris Hester Sr. is an American former professional football player who was a wide receiver and return specialist in the National Football League (NFL). He was drafted by the Chicago Bears in the second round of the 2006 NFL Draft. He played college football at Miami, where he was the first player in the university's recent history to play in all three phases of American football: offense, defense and special teams. In addition to Chicago, Hester also played for the Atlanta Falcons, Baltimore Ravens and Seattle Seahawks over his eleven-season NFL career.

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Treyvon Hester

Treyvon Ramal Hester is an American football defensive tackle for the Philadelphia Eagles of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football at Toledo, and was selected in the seventh round of the 2017 NFL Draft by the Oakland Raiders.

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Carolyn Hester

First Name Carolyn
Last Name Hester
Born on January 28, 1937 (age 87)

Carolyn Sue Hester is an American folk singer and songwriter. She was a figure in the early 1960s folk music revival.

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