List of Famous people with last name Hesbaye

Ermengarde of Hesbaye

First Name Ermengarde
Born on January 1, 0778
Died on October 3, 0818 (aged 40)

Ermengarde of Hesbaye, probably a member of the Robertian dynasty, was Carolingian empress from 813 and Queen of the Franks from 814 until her death as the wife of the Carolingian emperor Louis the Pious.

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Ingerman of Hesbaye

First Name Ingerman
Last Name Hesbaye
Born on November 30, 0749
Died on November 30, 0817 (aged 68)

Ingerman , was a Frankish noble and Count of Hesbaye, son of Sigram of Hesbaye.

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Landrade de Hesbaye

First Name Landrade
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Robert I, Count of Hesbaye

First Name Robert
Last Name Hesbaye
Born on January 1, 0697
Died on January 1, 0764 (aged 67)

Robert I, Rupert,, Count of Hesbaye and Duke of Neustria, son of Lambert. He was Count palatine under Childeric III.

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Iván Melo of Hesbaye

First Name Iván
Last Name Hesbaye
Born on November 30, 0759
Died on July 12, 0807 (aged 47)

Robert II was a Frankish nobleman who was count of Worms and of Rheingau and Count of Hesbaye around the year 800. He is the earliest-known male-line ancestor of the French royal family called the Capetians, and of other royal families which ruled in Portugal, Spain, Luxembourg, Parma, Brazil and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.

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