List of Famous people with last name Heraclea

Dionysius of Heraclea

First Name Dionysius
Born on January 1, -0360
Died on January 1, -0305 (aged 55)

Dionysius was a tyrant of Heraclea Pontica on the Euxine. He was a son of Clearchus, who had assumed the tyranny in his place of birth.

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Chion of Heraclea

First Name Chion
Last Name Heraclea
Died on January 1, -0353

Chion was the son of Matris, a noble citizen of Heraclea, on the Pontus and was a disciple of Plato. Together with Leon, Euxenon, and other young men from noble families, he helped assassinate Clearchus, the tyrant of Heraclea. Most of the conspirators were killed by the tyrant's body guards, others were put to death later, after being tortured. Rule of the city passed to Clearchus' brother, Satyrus, who is generally considered to have been a worse tyrant than Clearchus.

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Clearchus of Heraclea

First Name Clearchus
Born on January 1, -0400
Died on January 1, -0352 (aged 48)

Clearchus was a citizen of Heraclea on the Euxine who was recalled from exile by the oligarchy of that city to aid them in quelling the growing discontent and demands of the people. According to Justin, Clearchus reached an agreement with Mithridates of Cius to betray the city to him on the condition that Clearchus would hold the city for Mithridates as governor. But, Clearchus then came to the conclusion that he could make himself master of the city without the aid of Mithridates. So he not only broke his agreement with the Mithridates, but also captured him and compelled him to pay a large sum for his release.

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Timotheus of Heraclea

First Name Timotheus
Born on January 1, -0367
Died on January 1, -0337 (aged 30)

Timotheus was son of Clearchus, the tyrant of Heraclea on the Euxine. After the death of his father in 353 BC, he succeeded to the sovereignty, under the guardianship, at first, of his uncle Satyrus, and held the rule for fifteen years. There is extant a letter addressed to him by Isocrates, in which the rhetorician commends him for his good qualities, gives him some very common-place advice, and recommends to his notice a friend of his, named Autocrator, the bearer of the epistle.

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