List of Famous people with last name Hayat

Sofia Hayat

First Name Sofia
Born on December 6, 1984 (age 39)

Sofia Hayat is singer, actress and television personality. She participated in Bigg Boss 7 in 2013.

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Mehwish Hayat

First Name Mehwish
Born on January 6, 1988 (age 36)
Born in Pakistan, Sindh

Mehwish Hayat is a Pakistani film and television actress who is known for her roles in films such as the comedies Actor in Law (2016), Punjab Nahi Jaungi (2017), Load Wedding (2018) and Chhalawa (2019), all of which rank among the highest-grossing Pakistani films. She is the recipient of Lux Style Award and was honoured by the Government of Pakistan with the Tamgha-e-Imtiaz in 2019.

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Habib Jawhar Hayat

First Name Habib
Last Name Hayat
Born on November 30, 1933
Died on June 16, 2020 (aged 86)
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