List of Famous people with last name Haddo

Sir John Gordon, 1st Baronet, of Haddo

First Name Sir
Born on January 1, 1610
Died on July 19, 1644 (aged 34)

Sir John Gordon, 1st Baronet was a Scottish Royalist supporter of Charles I during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. Gordon distinguished himself against the covenanters at Turriff, 1639, and joined Charles I in England. Created a baronet in 1642 for his services, he was excommunicated and forced to surrender by the Covenanters under Argyll at Kellie in 1644 and was subsequently beheaded for treason at Edinburgh.

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James Gordon of Methlic and Haddo

First Name James
Last Name Haddo
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James Gordon of Methlic and Haddo

First Name James
Last Name Haddo
Died on October 31, 1624
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Patrick Gordon of Methlic and Haddo

First Name Patrick
Last Name Haddo
Died on May 18, 1452
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Sir John Gordon, 2nd Baronet, of Haddo

First Name Sir
Died on January 1, 1665

Sir John Gordon, 2nd Baronet was the eldest son of Sir John Gordon, 1st Baronet, of Haddo and Mary Forbes. He succeeded to the title of 2nd Baronet on the execution of his father for treason on 19 July 1644, but due to his father's attainder, was under forfeiture until the Restoration in 1660. On his death in 1665 without male issue the baronetcy devolved upon his younger brother, who was later created 1st Earl of Aberdeen.

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