List of Famous people with last name Gurley

Todd Gurley

Todd Jerome Gurley II is an American football running back for the Atlanta Falcons of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football at Georgia, where he earned All-SEC honors in 2012 and 2013. Gurley was drafted by the St. Louis Rams with the tenth overall pick in the 2015 NFL Draft. Despite missing three games due to a torn ACL suffered during his final year at Georgia, Gurley rushed for 1,106 yards in his rookie season and was voted AP NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year. He was also named AP NFL Offensive Player of the Year following the 2017 season after scoring 19 offensive touchdowns.

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Mary Gurley

First Name Mary
Last Name Gurley
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Peter Gurley

First Name Peter
Last Name Gurley
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