List of Famous people with last name Grenville

George Grenville

First Name George
Last Name Grenville
Born on October 14, 1712
Died on November 13, 1770 (aged 58)

George Grenville was a British Whig statesman who rose to the position of Prime Minister of Great Britain. Grenville was born into an influential political family and first entered Parliament in 1741 as an MP for Buckingham. He emerged as one of Cobham's Cubs, a group of young members of Parliament associated with Lord Cobham.

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Bevil Grenville

First Name Bevil
Born on January 1, 1596
Died on July 5, 1643 (aged 47)

Sir Bevil Grenville, lord of the manors of Bideford in Devon and of Stowe in the parish of Kilkhampton, Cornwall, was a Royalist commander in the Civil War. He was killed in action in heroic circumstances at the Battle of Lansdowne in 1643. He served as a Member of Parliament for the county of Cornwall in 1621–1625 and 1640–1642, and for the borough of Launceston in Cornwall, in 1625–1629 and 1640.

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William Wyndham Grenville, 1st Baron Grenville

First Name William
Last Name Grenville
Born on October 25, 1759
Died on January 12, 1834 (aged 74)

William Wyndham Grenville, 1st Baron Grenville,, styled as Lord Grenville from 1790, was a British Pittite Tory politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1806 to 1807, though he was a supporter of the Whigs for the duration of the Napoleonic Wars.

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Thomas Grenville

First Name Thomas
Last Name Grenville
Born on December 31, 1755
Died on December 17, 1846 (aged 90)

Thomas Grenville was a British politician and bibliophile.

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Elizabeth Grenville

First Name Elizabeth
Last Name Grenville
Died on January 1, 1635
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Sir Roger Grenville

First Name Sir
Born on November 30, 1476
Died on November 30, 1522 (aged 46)
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Richard Grenville

First Name Richard
Last Name Grenville
Died on September 10, 1591

Sir Richard Grenville, also spelt Greynvile, Greeneville, and Greenfield, was an English sailor who, as captain of Revenge, died at the Battle of Flores (1591), fighting against overwhelming odds, and refusing to surrender his ship to the far more numerous Spanish. His ship, Revenge, met 53 Spanish warships near Flores in the Azores. He and his crew fought the fifty three in a three-day running battle. Many Spanish ships were sunk or so badly damaged that they had to retire from the battle. Revenge was boarded three times and each time the boarders were seen off.

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Richard Grenville

First Name Richard
Last Name Grenville
Born on August 8, 1612
Died on January 10, 1665 (aged 52)
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Hugo Gerard Grenville

First Name Hugo
Last Name Grenville
Born on August 5, 1958 (age 66)
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William Grenville

First Name William
Last Name Grenville
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