List of Famous people with last name Gouvernet

Frédéric-Séraphin de La Tour du Pin Gouvernet

Born on January 6, 1759
Died on February 25, 1837 (aged 78)
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Henriette-Lucy, Marquise de La Tour du Pin Gouvernet

First Name Henriette-Lucy,
Died on April 2, 1853

Henriette-Lucy, Marquise de La Tour-du-Pin-Gouvernet was a French aristocrat famous for her posthumously published memoirs entitled Journal d'une femme de 50 ans. The memoirs are a first-hand account of her life through the Ancien Régime, the French Revolution, and the Imperial court of Napoleon, ending in March 1815 with Napoleon's return from exile on Elba. Her memoirs serve as unique testimony to much unchronicled history.

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