List of Famous people with last name Glaber

Rodulfus Glaber

First Name Rodulfus
Born on November 30, 0984
Died on January 1, 1047 (aged 62)

Rodulfus or Ralph Glaber was an 11th century French monk and chronicler.

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Arduin Glaber

First Name Arduin
Born on January 1, 0930
Died on January 1, 0976 (aged 46)

Arduin Glaber was count of Auriate from c. 935, count of Turin from c. 941/2, and Margrave of Turin from c. 950/64. He placed his dynasty, the Arduinici, on a firm foundation and established the march of Turin through conquests and royal concessions. The Chronicon Novaliciense, the chronicle of the abbey of Novalesa, is the primary source for his life.

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Gaius Claudius Glaber

First Name Gaius
Born on November 30, -0201
Died on January 1, -0100 (aged 101)

Gaius Claudius Glaber was a military commander of the late Roman Republic, holding the offices of legate and military praetor in 73 BC. He was defeated in the battle of Mount Vesuvius against the forces of Spartacus during the Third Servile War.

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