List of Famous people with last name Gendy

Nadia El Gendy

First Name Nadia
Last Name Gendy
Born on March 24, 1946 (age 78)

'Nadia El Gendy'mamak is an Egyptian actress and producer. She is often known in Egypt as "Negmet El gamaheer" because of the high commercial success of her movies in the 1990s. Through her still on-going 6-decades career, she has appeared in 61 movies and 7 TV shows. She is most recognized for her femme fatale roles and spy movies related to Egyptian-Israeli conflict and patriotic issues after 1952 revolution, such as El Gasousa Hekmat Fahmy (1994), Mohemma Fi Tel Aviv (1992). Also, she is known for various crime movies, ranging from vulgar drug dealer in Egyptian suburbs to a professional thief.

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Khaled El Gendy

First Name Khaled
Last Name Gendy
Born on December 14, 1961 (age 62)
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Abeer El Gendy

First Name Abeer
Born on March 26, 1967 (age 57)
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