List of Famous people with last name Gaete

Marina Ortíz de Gaete

Marina Ortiz de Gaete
First Name Marina
Last Name Gaete
Born on January 1, 1509
Died on January 1, 1592 (aged 83)
Born in Spain, Extremadura

Marina Ortiz de Gaete González was the wife of Pedro de Valdivia, and played an important role in the politics of the conquest and early history of the Kingdom of Chile.

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Juan Carlos Gaete

First Name Juan
Last Name Gaete
Born on May 21, 1996 (age 28)

Juan Carlos Darío Gaete Contreras, known as Juan Carlos Gaete, is a Chilean footballer who plays as a winger for Chilean club Colo-Colo.

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Ramón Castillo Gaete

First Name Ramón
Last Name Gaete
Born on December 20, 1977
Died on May 1, 2013 (aged 35)
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