List of Famous people with last name Frankopan

Fran Krsto Frankopan

First Name Fran
Born on March 4, 1643
Died on April 30, 1671 (aged 28)

Fran Krsto Frankopan was a Croatian baroque poet, nobleman and politician. He is remembered primarily for his involvement in the failed Zrinski-Frankopan conspiracy. He was a Croatian marquess, a member of the Frankopan noble family and its last male descendant.

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Bernardin Frankopan

First Name Bernardin
Last Name Frankopan
Born on January 1, 1453
Died on December 31, 1529 (aged 76)

Bernardin Frankopan (1453–1529) was a Croatian nobleman and diplomat, a member of the influential Frankopan noble family of Croatia. As one of the wealthiest and most distinguished aristocrats in the kingdom in his day, he had one of the leading roles in mounting defences of Croatian statehood against the Ottoman expansion.

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Christoph Frankopan

First Name Christoph
Last Name Frankopan
Born on January 1, 1482
Died on January 1, 1527 (aged 45)

Christoph Frankopan was a Croatian count from the noble House of Frankopan. As a supporter of King John I of Hungary during the succession crisis between John Zápolya and Ferdinand Habsburg, he was named the ban of Croatia in 1526, and died in battle fighting alongside supporters of Zápolya.

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Vuk Krsto Frankopan

First Name Vuk
Died on January 1, 1652

Vuk II Krsto Frankopan Tržački was a Croatian nobleman and soldier of the Frankopan family, father of noted poet and politician Fran Krsto Frankopan. He was born about 1588.

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