List of Famous people with last name Farmajo

Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo

First Name Mohamed
Last Name Farmajo
Born on March 11, 1962 (age 62)
Born in Somalia, Banaadir

Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, also known as Farmaajo is a Somali politician who has served as the President of Somalia since 16 February 2017. At the time of his election, Farmaajo formerly held U.S. citizenship, which he renounced voluntarily in 2019. He was Prime Minister of Somalia for six months, from November 2010 until June 2011 and is the founder and chairman of the Tayo political party. He became the President of Somalia after winning the 2017 Somali presidential election with 184 out of the total 329 votes by members of the Somali Parliament, thereby defeating former president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.

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