List of Famous people with last name Doukaina

Irene Doukaina

First Name Irene
Born on November 30, 1065
Died on February 19, 1123 (aged 57)

Irene Doukaina or Ducaena was a Byzantine empress by marriage to the Byzantine emperor Alexios I Komnenos, and the mother of Emperor John II Komnenos and of the historian Anna Komnene.

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Irene Komnene Doukaina

First Name Irene
Born on November 30, 1219
Died on January 1, 1201

Irene Komnene Doukaina or Eirene Komnene Doukaina was an Empress of Bulgaria during the Second Bulgarian Empire and Byzantine princess. She was the third wife of tsar Ivan Asen II of Bulgaria. She was the mother of tsar Michael Asen I of Bulgaria.

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