List of Famous people with last name Donelson

Emily Donelson

First Name Emily
Born on June 1, 1807
Died on December 19, 1836 (aged 29)

Emily Donelson was the niece of Rachel Donelson Jackson, the daughter-in-law of U.S. President Andrew Jackson. She served as White House hostess and First Lady of the United States.

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Andrew Jackson Donelson

First Name Andrew
Last Name Donelson
Born on August 25, 1799
Died on June 26, 1871 (aged 71)

Andrew Jackson Donelson was an American diplomat. He served in various positions as a Democrat and was the Know Nothing nominee for US Vice President in 1856.

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Daniel Smith Donelson

First Name Daniel
Last Name Donelson
Born on June 23, 1801
Died on April 17, 1863 (aged 61)

Daniel Smith Donelson was a Tennessee politician and soldier. The historic river-port of Fort Donelson was named for him as a Brigadier in the Tennessee militia, early in the American Civil War, in which he went on to serve as a Confederate general, notably at Perryville and Stones River. He was the nephew of America's seventh president, Andrew Jackson.

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John Donelson

First Name John
Last Name Donelson
Born on January 1, 1718
Died on January 1, 1785 (aged 67)

John Donelson (1718–1785) was an American frontiersman, ironmaster, politician, city planner, and explorer, who, along with James Robertson, co-founded the frontier settlement of Fort Nashborough, in Middle Tennessee, which would later become the city of Nashville, Tennessee. Donelson was also the father-in-law of future United States president, Andrew Jackson, who married his daughter, Rachel.

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