List of Famous people with last name Deleo

Dean DeLeo

First Name Dean
Last Name DeLeo
Born on August 23, 1961 (age 63)

Dean DeLeo is an American guitarist and songwriter known for his work with rock band Stone Temple Pilots. DeLeo is also known for his role in the short-lived bands Talk Show and Army of Anyone. He is the older brother of Robert DeLeo, who plays bass for Stone Temple Pilots.

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Robert DeLeo

First Name Robert
Last Name DeLeo
Born on February 2, 1966 (age 58)

Robert Emile DeLeo is an American bass player, songwriter, and backing vocalist for the rock band Stone Temple Pilots. He is part of Delta Deep, and he has also played in Talk Show and Army of Anyone. He is the younger brother of Stone Temple Pilots guitarist Dean DeLeo. He is also the former bass player for the supergroup Hollywood Vampires.

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