List of Famous people with last name Dednam

Chris Dednam

First Name Chris
Last Name Dednam
Born on August 8, 1983 (age 41)

Christoffel Cornelius Dednam is a badminton player from South Africa. Dednam was the gold medallists at the 2003 All-Africa Games in the mixed doubles event, and in 2007 in the men's doubles event. He competed at the 2004, 2008 Olympic Games, and at the 2006 Commonwealth Games. Dednam played badminton at the 2004 Summer Olympics in men's singles, losing in the round of 32 to Boonsak Ponsana of Thailand. He also competed in mixed doubles with partner Antoinette Uys. They lost to Tsai Chia-Hsin and Cheng Wen-Hsing of Chinese Taipei in the round of 32. At the 2008 Olympics, he played in the men's doubles event with his brother Roelof Dednam, but the duo was defeated by Howard Bach and Khan Bob Malaythong of United States in the first round.

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Roelof Dednam

First Name Roelof
Born on August 21, 1985 (age 39)

Roelof Jakobus Dednam is a male badminton player from South Africa. Dednam played badminton at the 2008 Summer Olympics in men's doubles with Chris Dednam, losing in the round of 16 to Howard Bach and Bob Malaythong of the United States.

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