List of Famous people with last name Dashkova

Yekaterina Dashkova

Екатерина Романовна Воронцова
First Name Yekaterina
Born on March 17, 1743
Died on January 4, 1810 (aged 66)
Born in Russia

Princess Yekaterina Romanovna Vorontsova-Dashkova was the closest female friend of Empress Catherine the Great and a major figure of the Russian Enlightenment. She was part of a coup d'etat that placed Catherine on the throne. Vorontsova-Dashkova was the first woman in the world to head a national academy of sciences and helped found the Russian Academy. Not only was she the head of these academies, Vorontsova- Dashkova was one of the first women in Europe to hold a government office. She also published prolifically, with original and translated works on many subjects.

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