List of Famous people with last name Dafoe

Willem Dafoe

William James Dafoe
First Name Willem
Last Name Dafoe
Born on July 22, 1955 (age 69)
Height 170 cm | 5'7

William James "Willem" Dafoe is an American-Italian actor. He is known for his distinct gravelly voice, and has received multiple accolades, including nominations for four Academy Awards and three Golden Globe Awards. He has frequently collaborated with filmmakers Paul Schrader, Abel Ferrara, Lars von Trier, Julian Schnabel, and Wes Anderson.

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Allan Roy Dafoe

First Name Allan
Last Name Dafoe
Born on May 29, 1883
Died on June 2, 1943 (aged 60)

Dr.Allan Roy Dafoe, OBE was a Canadian obstetrician, best known for delivering and caring for the Dionne quintuplets, the first quintuplets known to survive early infancy.

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