List of Famous people with last name Courcel

Nicole Courcel

Nicole Marie Jeanne Andrieu
First Name Nicole
Last Name Courcel
Born on October 21, 1931
Died on June 25, 2016 (aged 84)

Nicole Marie Jeanne Andrieu, better known as Nicole Courcel, was a French actress who achieved popularity through the 1950s and 1960s, though she is mostly unknown outside of France. Born in Saint-Cloud, in the western suburbs of Paris, she appeared in 43 films between 1947 and 1979. After working as an extra in a few films, she won a major role in Rendez-vous de juillet (1949), with Brigitte Auber. In 1970 she turned to television, appearing in different television films and miniseries, in which she continued to work until 2004. Courcel is best known for her role in Serge Bourguignon's Sundays and Cybele (1962). She had notable parts in: La Marie du port, Sacha Guitry's Royal Affairs in Versailles (1954), and La Sorcière.

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Geoffroy Chodron de Courcel

First Name Geoffroy
Last Name Courcel
Born on September 11, 1912
Died on December 9, 1992 (aged 80)

Geoffroy Chodron de Courcel, was a French nobleman, soldier and diplomat.

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Alphonse Chodron de Courcel

First Name Alphonse
Last Name Courcel
Born on July 30, 1835
Died on June 17, 1919 (aged 83)

Baron Alphonse Chodron de Courcel was a French diplomat and politician. He was French ambassador to Germany from 1881 to 1886, French ambassador to the United Kingdom from 1894 to 1898, and Senator of Seine-et-Oise from 1892 to 1919.

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