List of Famous people with last name Cottingham

Richard Cottingham

Richard Francis Cottingham is an American serial killer from New Jersey operating in New York between 1967 and 1980. He was nicknamed The Torso Killer due to his habit of dismembering his victims, usually leaving nothing but a torso behind. He was eventually convicted of murder in 1981, after being caught fleeing an attempted murder. Officially, Cottingham killed eleven people, but he claims between 85 and 100 murders. Cottingham is incarcerated in New Jersey State Prison in Trenton, New Jersey.

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Robert Cottingham

First Name Robert
Last Name Cottingham
Born on September 26, 1935 (age 89)

Robert Cottingham is an American artist known for his paintings and prints of urban American landscapes showing building facades, neon signs, movie marquees, railroad heralds and shop fronts.

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