List of Famous people with last name Corden

James Corden

First Name James
Last Name Corden
Born on August 22, 1978 (age 46)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

James Kimberley Corden is an English actor, comedian, singer, writer, producer, and television host. Since 2015, he has hosted The Late Late Show with James Corden, a late-night television talk show on CBS in the United States.

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Henry Corden

First Name Henry
Last Name Corden
Born on January 6, 1920
Died on May 19, 2005 (aged 85)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Henry Corden was a Canadian-born American actor, voice actor and singer, best known for taking over the role of Fred Flintstone after Alan Reed's death in 1977. His official debut as Fred's new voice was in the 1965 Hanna-Barbera record, Saving Mr. Flintstone, although he had previously provided the singing voice for Reed in the 1966 theatrical film The Man Called Flintstone and the Hanna-Barbera specials Alice in Wonderland or What's a Nice Kid Like You Doing in a Place Like This? (1966) and Energy: A National Issue (1977). He took over the role as Fred Flintstone full time starting with the syndicated weekday series Fred Flintstone and Friends for which he provided voice-overs on brief bumper clips shown in-between segments.

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