List of Famous people with last name Connery

Sean Connery

Thomas Sean Connery
First Name Sean
Last Name Connery
Born on August 25, 1930
Died on October 31, 2020 (aged 90)
Height 188 cm | 6'2

Sir Sean Connery was a Scottish actor. He became known as the first actor to portray fictional British secret agent James Bond on film, starring in seven Bond films between 1962 and 1983. Originating the role in Dr. No, Connery played Bond in six of Eon Productions' entries and made his final appearance in the Jack Schwartzman-produced Never Say Never Again.

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Jason Connery

First Name Jason
Last Name Connery
Born on January 11, 1963 (age 61)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Jason Joseph Connery is a British actor, voice actor and director. He is the son of the late Sir Sean Connery (1930–2020) and Diane Cilento (1932–2011). On screen, he is best known for appearing in the third series of the ITV drama series Robin of Sherwood in 1986. He took over the main role after Michael Praed's character was killed off at the end of the second series.

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Neil Connery

First Name Neil
Last Name Connery
Born on January 1, 1938
Died on May 9, 2021 (aged 83)

Neil Niren Connery is a Scottish former actor and the younger brother of actor Sean Connery.

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