List of Famous people with last name Cockayne

Ida Cockayne

First Name Ida
Last Name Cockayne
Born on January 1, 1368
Died on June 1, 1426 (aged 58)

Ida de Grey or Edith de Grey, was a Cambro-Norman noblewoman, and the daughter of Reginald Grey, 2nd Baron Grey de Ruthyn, a powerful Welsh Marcher lord. The Greys of Ruthyn were the chief Marcher barons in the northern region of the Welsh Marches.

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William Cockayne

First Name William
Last Name Cockayne
Born on January 1, 1561
Died on October 20, 1626 (aged 65)

Sir William Cockayne (Cokayne) was a seventeenth-century merchant, alderman, and Lord Mayor of the City of London.

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