List of Famous people with last name Claudel

Camille Claudel

First Name Camille
Last Name Claudel
Born on December 8, 1864
Died on October 19, 1943 (aged 78)

Camille Rosalie Claudel was a French sculptor known for her figurative works in bronze and marble. She died in relative obscurity, but later gained recognition for the originality and quality of her work. The subject of several biographies and films, Claudel is well known for her sculptures including The Waltz, and The Mature Age.

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Philippe Claudel

First Name Philippe
Last Name Claudel
Born on February 2, 1962 (age 62)
Born in France, Grand Est

Philippe Claudel is a French writer and film director.

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Paul Claudel

Paul Louis Charles Claudel
First Name Paul
Last Name Claudel
Died on February 23, 1955

Paul Claudel was a French poet, dramatist and diplomat, and the younger brother of the sculptor Camille Claudel. He was most famous for his verse dramas, which often convey his devout Catholicism. Claudel was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in six different years.

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