List of Famous people with last name Chiemsee

Irmgard of Chiemsee

First Name Irmgard
Born on November 30, 0830
Died on July 16, 0866 (aged 35)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Blessed Irmgard of Chiemsee, a member of the Carolingian dynasty, was the second daughter of King Louis the German and his wife Hemma. She was the first Abbess of Frauenchiemsee from 857 until her death.

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Berthold of Chiemsee

First Name Berthold
Last Name Chiemsee
Born on November 30, 1464
Died on July 19, 1543 (aged 78)
Born in Austria, Salzburg

Berthold of Chiemsee was a German bishop and theological writer.

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